Spring has Sprung! What is happening at your centre?
Spring is the season for growth, and at our centres, growth can be seen in every room, program and child in our Lifelong Learning Village.
Affinity reaches ambitious goal for National Pyjama Day
For the third consecutive year, Affinity Education Group had a successful week raising funds for National Pyjama Day, reaching the ambitious goal of $20,000.
School Readiness – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For Your Preschooler
Preparing for school is an exciting time in a child’s life, and our staff are here to support your child during this learning journey whilst having fun along the way.
Early Experiences – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For Your Toddler
We know your toddler is ready to babble, socialize and make friends in a safe and nurturing environment.
The Best Start – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For your Baby
The Lifelong Learning Healthy Beginnings Curriculum for babies birth–1-year-olds emphasises the establishment of secure attachments and positive relationships between babies and educators through the use of Circle of Security and learning zones focused on play schemas that support babies’ physical and intellectual development.
Happy Mothers Day 2023
This Mother’s Day, our centres throughout Australia, celebrated this special day with their enrolled children and their mothers and mother figures.
Healthy Eaters through Food Exploration
Food exploration in a positive environment shows a reduced risk of children becoming picky eaters.
Egg’citing fun at Papilio Early Learning Centres
This month our centres are celebrating Egg’citing April by creating Easter based activities that are designed to provide meaningful learning opportunities and of course have fun!
The Importance of Loose Parts Play
As babies and toddlers start to explore, they’ll often use all of their senses (especially touch and taste) to gather and learn information about the many objects they find. This stage of development is completely normal and it signals their growing interest in the world around them.
Benefits of Gardening with Children
We’re all aware of the benefits of fresh air and the outdoors, but did you know involving children in simple gardening practices has a range of benefits too?