Setting goals for children as part of our School Readiness Curriculum
Using different types of data to plan for children is important for us to provide a quality and holistic School Readiness curriculum. Our Educators use data in different ways to ensure our learning experiences are intentionally reflective of every child’s interest and skills with consideration of the developmental milestones. Click here to find out more!

Supporting Your Child’s Learning Journey: The Early Years Toolbox
Affinity Education Group has proudly partnered with the University of Wollongong with the aim of enhancing the capabilities of our Teachers and Educators working with children in our School Readiness rooms. By leveraging the expertise of academic professionals, and integrating evidence-based practices into our curriculum, we can enrich the learning experiences of our students and set them on the path to success.

Supporting The Progression To Big School
With Graduation done and dusted, you and your child may be nervous about the transition into Big School. Here are five tips to support your child with this significant milestone and set them up for success.

Navigating End of Year Transitions
The Lifelong Learning Curriculum offers an abundance of research-based practices that ensure continuous learning during the holiday season. As a parent, you may wonder what development your child is progressing with during this time. Throughout the holiday season, your child is able to engage in our play-based School Readiness Intensive program that encourages shared sustained thinking with peers.

Benefits of attending Early Childhood and Care during the Holiday period
Effective early childhood education is of utmost importance in a successful transition to school and love for Lifelong Learning. Our LLC program is dedicated to ensuring this is achieved all year long. We know how much families like to take this time to have some well-deserved time off; however, here are some benefits to maintaining your child’s routine with their Early Childhood Centre in the lead-up to Primary School.

The importance of friendships and relationships in childcare
We all know that, in general, having friends is an important aspect of life and one that provides us with some of our most cherished experiences throughout life.

Why friendships before ‘Big School’ are so important
Research continues to highlight the importance of the first five years of a child’s life as the most critical period in the life span for brain development (Fox & Geddes, 2016).

Aussie Wildlife Champions Dress Up and Donate Success
A part of this fundraiser was a Dress Up and Donate Day on the 21st of September where the centre teams and their children were encouraged to dress up as their favourite Australian animal, as a farmer, swagman or to bring in their Australian wildlife soft toy.

How my Educators get me School Ready
Early Childhood Education has proven to play a major role in a child’s transition to school, and here at Papilio, we have passionate Educators and Early Childhood Teachers who deliver a range of programs to extend children’s curiosity, growth, and independence. This article will explore a typical day in our preschool/Kindergarten rooms.

A day in the life of a Toddler
Every day in our Toddler room is filled with different types of learning that your child’s Educators have intentionally planned to support children’s growth and learning outcomes. From the moment you drop them off to our Educators to the moment your Toddler runs back to your arms with a big smile in the afternoon, your child’s day is enriched by our age-specific 1–3-year-old Early Experiences Curriculum, to ensure every child learns something fascinating and exciting every day.