Toilet Training – Our Experts Top Tips
Learning to use the toilet is an essential milestone in your child’s life, and as we know, each child develops at different rates; therefore, our experts suggest focusing on a variety of developmental cues, rather than age, when deciding to start the toilet training process.

School Readiness – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For Your Preschooler
Preparing for school is an exciting time in a child’s life, and our staff are here to support your child during this learning journey whilst having fun along the way.

Early Experiences – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For Your Toddler
We know your toddler is ready to babble, socialize and make friends in a safe and nurturing environment.

The Best Start – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For your Baby
The Lifelong Learning Healthy Beginnings Curriculum for babies birth–1-year-olds emphasises the establishment of secure attachments and positive relationships between babies and educators through the use of Circle of Security and learning zones focused on play schemas that support babies’ physical and intellectual development.

Lifelong Learning Curriculum – Is Here!
Affinity Education Group is excited to announce the launch of the Lifelong Learning Curriculum, available at all Milestones, Papilio, Kids Academy and Aussie Kindies childcare centres across Australia.

What does the new Child Care Subsidy mean for families?
From 10 July 2023, the Australian Government will be increasing the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rates for families within Australia resulting in reduced gap fees for your family.
Families will benefit in a range of exciting ways from the changes, creating more affordable and inclusive childcare options for our families.

Purpose Built for Quality Education – Papilio Early Learning Tamworth
We are proud to announce Papilio Early Learning Tamworth will be open for fun and learning in early 2023!
Papilio Early Learning Tamworth, is our second purpose-built centre in New South Wales, following the development of Papilio Early Learning Schofields which opened in April 2022.

Tummy Time is an essential activity for a baby’s development
Tummy Time is an essential activity for a baby’s development and is a regularly encouraging exercise for our centres 0-1 children in our Nursery rooms.

Future Scientists! Big Thinkers STEM program now available
Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has always played a vital role in the development of our Lifelong Learning Curriculum for children aged 3 to 5 years old.