Lifelong Learning Curriculum

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Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 7

Welcome to the seventh installment of our National Quality Standards seven-part series, where we provide an in-depth look into the seven quality areas benchmarked against the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) standards. 
Setting goals for children as part of the Lifelong Learning Curriculum School Readiness Program

Setting goals for children as part of our School Readiness Curriculum

Using different types of data to plan for children is important for us to provide a quality and holistic School Readiness curriculum. Our Educators use data in different ways to ensure our learning experiences are intentionally reflective of every child’s interest and skills with consideration of the developmental milestones. Click here to find out more!
Lifelong Learning Curriculum Healthy Beginnings Program

Relationships – The Foundation of Learning and Development 

It has been well-researched that loving, nurturing and responsive relationships are fundamental to child development. Our Health Beginnings curriculum offers infants a secure foundation for learning, like building blocks.
Lifelong Learning Curriculum Early Experiences Program for Toddlers

How Educators use Data to Inform Program & Practice

Simply put, data is a collection of information that is used to make informed decisions. In the Early Experiences age groups, educators use both data and teaching strategies like the Abecedarian 3A to ensure the Lifelong Learning program and educator practices are centered on children’s interest and developmental milestones. Although there are many ways data is collected, we will focus on the use of Progress Records.
Lifelong Learning Curriculum

Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 6

Welcome to the sixth instalment of our National Quality Standards seven-part series, where we provide an in-depth look into the seven quality areas benchmarked against the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) standards. 

Affinity Expands Lifelong Learning Curriculum Through Partnership With Wandana Aboriginal Education

Affinity Education Group has announced the latest addition to the Lifelong Learning Curriculum – a partnership with Wandana Aboriginal Education to deliver purpose-built Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural education. Dr Lesley Jones, Head of Education and Pedagogy, said the exciting partnership would give Affinity Education Group Educators and Teachers access to a high-quality platform to deliver immersive cultural experiences for children in Early Education.

Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 5

Quality Area 5 of the National Quality Standard focuses on educators developing responsive, warm, trusting, and respectful relationships with children and young people that promote wellbeing, self-esteem, security, and belonging. These relationships encourage children to explore the environment and engage in play and learning.

Supporting Your Child’s Learning Journey: The Early Years Toolbox

Affinity Education Group has proudly partnered with the University of Wollongong with the aim of enhancing the capabilities of our Teachers and Educators working with children in our School Readiness rooms. By leveraging the expertise of academic professionals, and integrating evidence-based practices into our curriculum, we can enrich the learning experiences of our students and set them on the path to success.

Using Research To Meet Your Child’s Developmental Needs

The use of data is a crucial part of early childhood education. Most educators rely on data provided through research surveys, conversations with families and children or ongoing observations of children to support children's development effectively. The data educators receive from these three avenues is documented and used in planning for the best outcomes for children's learning. At an Early Experience age, children are developing in relation to independence, mastery of language and social skills, and competency in lifelong skills. Continue reading to find out how these forms of data are used in our Lifelong Learning Centres to promote children between the ages of 1 and 3.

Improving Language and Thinking Skills in Infants; A Data Informed Approach

The recent AEDC data tells us that more young children are becoming developmentally at risk in several domains. Our Healthy Beginning curriculum is devised to support the foundational learning of young infants in the targeted domains. Read more in our latest Healthy Beginnings Article.

Random Acts of Kindness Day: Teaching Acts of Kindness to Children

Saturday 17th of February 2024 is Random Acts Of Kindness Day! The day was created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation (RAK), a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing kindness as the standard. Random Acts Of Kindness Day aims to enhance mental health and wellbeing, foster community connections and a sense of belonging, encourage empathy and compassion, and inspire change.

Supporting The Progression To Big School

With Graduation done and dusted, you and your child may be nervous about the transition into Big School. Here are five tips to support your child with this significant milestone and set them up for success.

How We Transition Your Child To A New Room

Transitions can be challenging for some children, so we have developed a process that ensures your child transitions smoothly into their next classroom.

Early Education: Navigating the First Weeks

Many researchers have suggested that it can take up to 6 months to settle an infant into an Early Childhood setting! Click here to explore what behaviours your child may exhibit and how to ease this transition with our Healthy Beginning Educators!
Lifelong Learning Curriculum

Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 4

Qualified and experienced educators, who develop warm, respectful relationships with children, create predictable environments and encourage children’s active engagement in the learning program.

Learning With Dr. Lesley Jones: New Year, New Rooms

This month, we are highlighting the Lifelong Learning Curriculum, our signature educational program that operates within all our Early Learning Centres.

Educational Programs During the Festive Season

This month, we are highlighting the Lifelong Learning Curriculum, our signature educational program that operates within all our Early Learning Centres.

Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 3

Welcome to the third installment of our National Quality Standards series where we highlight the importance of implementing the 7 key Quality Standards throughout all Lifelong Learning Centres. The third Quality Area addresses physical environment. Quality Area 3, as outlined in the National Quality Standard, strives to guarantee a secure, appropriate, and stimulating physical environment that fosters children's learning and development.

Navigating End of Year Transitions

The Lifelong Learning Curriculum offers an abundance of research-based practices that ensure continuous learning during the holiday season. As a parent, you may wonder what development your child is progressing with during this time. Throughout the holiday season, your child is able to engage in our play-based School Readiness Intensive program that encourages shared sustained thinking with peers.

Festive Learning in the Nursery 

With work deadlines, holiday plans and gift shopping all demanding time from families, there is a great benefit in having access to childcare throughout the holiday period. The good news is that our Lifelong Learning Centres are open and providing quality education and care throughout the holiday season. Read more to explore how to make the most of our Lifelong Learning Centres this holiday.

Attending Early Education During the Holidays 

Are you juggling gift shopping, decorating, work obligations and keeping your child entertained over the festive season? Learning doesn’t stop at Lifelong Learning Centres; in fact the festive season offers fantastic learning opportunities for our Early Experience Children!

Affinity Increases Commitment to The Smith Family

Affinity Education Group has increased its commitment to The Smith Family Learning for Life program again in the third quarter of 2023, with 236 individual child sponsorships now being actively supported on behalf of centres around Australia. The program acknowledges the importance of additional support for children facing disadvantages, recognising that such support is essential for maintaining their engagement in education.

Summer Program Sessions

Your child is invited to join us during our Summer Program! Throughout December, we have planned additional exciting activities to help your child continue their early learning journey whilst benefiting from a rich variety of learning opportunities.

The Lifelong Learning Curriculum – A Guide For Families

This month, we are highlighting the Lifelong Learning Curriculum, our signature educational program that operates within all our Early Learning Centres.

The importance of using the Abecedarian approach to improve toddlers’ language skills

Did you know that 1 in 4 preschoolers have developmental delays? This month we uncover proven strategies within the Lifelong Learning Curriculum that promote language, social and emotional development.

What do infants achieve in an Early Childhood Education environment?

It is natural to wonder whether infants and young children can benefit from time spent in an early childhood environment. At Affinity Education centres, our Lifelong Learning Curriculum begins as soon as your child commences their enrolment with us, regardless of age.

Benefits of attending Early Childhood and Care during the Holiday period 

Effective early childhood education is of utmost importance in a successful transition to school and love for Lifelong Learning. Our LLC program is dedicated to ensuring this is achieved all year long. We know how much families like to take this time to have some well-deserved time off; however, here are some benefits to maintaining your child’s routine with their Early Childhood Centre in the lead-up to Primary School.

Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 2

Welcome to the second part of our National Quality Standards seven-part series, where we provide an in-depth look into the seven quality areas benchmarked against the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) standards.

The importance of friendships and relationships in childcare

We all know that, in general, having friends is an important aspect of life and one that provides us with some of our most cherished experiences throughout life.

Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 1

Our Milestones centres are committed to a continuous improvement journey that enriches quality education and care delivery benchmarked against the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) standards.

How friendships are formed

The beginning of positive behaviour and relationship starts with building secure relationships in the first five years of a child’s life.

Guiding your Toddlers future behaviours and relationships

When children reach the Toddler stage, their confidence blooms as they know you are there to catch them if they fall.

Why friendships before ‘Big School’ are so important

Research continues to highlight the importance of the first five years of a child’s life as the most critical period in the life span for brain development (Fox & Geddes, 2016).

It’s Safe Work Month at Our Centres 

National Safe Work Month is upon us! Our Early Learning Centres have jam-packed this October with a variety of events and programs to highlight the steps our centres and their amazing teams take to ensure the well-being and safety of those in our community.

Aussie Wildlife Champions Dress Up and Donate Success

A part of this fundraiser was a Dress Up and Donate Day on the 21st of September where the centre teams and their children were encouraged to dress up as their favourite Australian animal, as a farmer, swagman or to bring in their Australian wildlife soft toy.

A Day of ‘Awe’ and ‘Wonder’ in your Nursery

When thinking about a typical day in the Nursery, it is common to have preconceptions about what happens and how the educators facilitate learning.

How my Educators get me School Ready

Early Childhood Education has proven to play a major role in a child’s transition to school, and here at Papilio, we have passionate Educators and Early Childhood Teachers who deliver a range of programs to extend children’s curiosity, growth, and independence. This article will explore a typical day in our preschool/Kindergarten rooms.

A day in the life of a Toddler

Every day in our Toddler room is filled with different types of learning that your child’s Educators have intentionally planned to support children’s growth and learning outcomes. From the moment you drop them off to our Educators to the moment your Toddler runs back to your arms with a big smile in the afternoon, your child’s day is enriched by our age-specific 1–3-year-old Early Experiences Curriculum, to ensure every child learns something fascinating and exciting every day.

A day in the life – Childcare and your child’s development

This month, we wanted to share with you a little more about early childhood education, what it means, and how it works, and give you a glimpse of what your child may actually experience while with us each day.

Creativity and fun through the power of books!

Over the week of the 21st of August, our centres celebrated book week through the power of dress up, imagination and creativity as our Educators and Teachers developed learning experiences inspired by the books the children read every day.

Spring has Sprung! What is happening at your centre?

Spring is the season for growth, and at our centres, growth can be seen in every room, program and child in our Lifelong Learning Village.

Get involved for National Science Week!

National Science Week is fast approaching, with the official date to launch from the 12th all the way through to the 20th of August.

Aussie Wildlife Champions now available at your centre!

In an exciting Australia-first, more than 10,000 children aged between 3-5 years will have access to the new Aussie Wildlife Champions Lifelong Learning Curriculum program as the result of a partnership between Affinity Education Group and the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC).

Saying ‘Thank you!’ on Early Childhood Educators Day

The countdown is on to Wednesday, the 6th of September, when our centres will celebrate Early Childhood Educators Day. We’re inviting all families and caregivers to make a special effort to say ‘Thank You’ to the educators who care for and teach their children in our centres.

Sensory Play: Nurturing your child’s early development

Sensory play, messy play or creative play are just some of the terms used to describe a lot of fun!

Effective room transitioning in early childcare

Graduating from one room to the next is a significant event for children, their families and educators alike. In this article we explore what you can expect as your child transitions from one room to the next.

Dont miss our Preschool/Kindergarten information sessions

It’s that time of year when families begin to turn their attention to deciding where their child should be enrolled for their preschool or kindergarten year.

Easing Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is common in young children, it occurs when children are feeling nervous about being away from their parents or carers.

Your little junior is graduating! Whats next?

Graduating from the junior rooms to the older 3-5-year old programs is a significant and exciting transition for young children.

Successful transitions through care and trust

Transitioning into care for the first time can often feel daunting for families and full of natural curiosities and ‘what if’ type questions, like “What if my baby doesn’t eat the food you provide?”

Affinity reaches ambitious goal for National Pyjama Day

For the third consecutive year, Affinity Education Group had a successful week raising funds for National Pyjama Day, reaching the ambitious goal of $20,000.

10 Things to do when it’s wet with your little ones!   

Entertaining children when it’s wet outside, can be difficult for an excitable and energetic child, and our Early Childcare Centres know all too well what it means when the grey clouds roll in.

What Does The National Quality Standards Mean To Me?

Learning to use the toilet is an essential milestone in your child’s life, and as we know, each child develops at different rates; therefore, our experts suggest focusing on a variety of developmental cues, rather than age, when deciding to start the toilet training process.

Toilet Training – Our Experts Top Tips  

Learning to use the toilet is an essential milestone in your child’s life, and as we know, each child develops at different rates; therefore, our experts suggest focusing on a variety of developmental cues, rather than age, when deciding to start the toilet training process.

School Readiness – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For Your Preschooler

Preparing for school is an exciting time in a child's life, and our staff are here to support your child during this learning journey whilst having fun along the way.

Early Experiences – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For Your Toddler

We know your toddler is ready to babble, socialize and make friends in a safe and nurturing environment.

Autumn Menu – Spiced Lamb Kofta, flat bread, Tzatziki and Salad

Winter is almost upon us, but we thought we would squeeze in one more of our Autumn menu highlights for our families.

Milestones Community Spirit in Action for Fighter Frankie

Our amazing team at Milestones Early Learning Blair Athol held a Morning Tea on 19th May in honour of their beloved ‘Fighter Frankie’ to raise funds to support him as he fights Stage 4 Neuroblastoma.

Families Count Down Launch of Papilio Early Learning Tamworth

Our brand new Papilio Early Learning Centre in Tamworth is due to open within weeks and has almost 200 families ready to enrol on day one!

The Best Start – Lifelong Learning Curriculum For your Baby

The Lifelong Learning Healthy Beginnings Curriculum for babies birth–1-year-olds emphasises the establishment of secure attachments and positive relationships between babies and educators through the use of Circle of Security and learning zones focused on play schemas that support babies' physical and intellectual development.

Happy Mothers Day 2023

This Mother’s Day, our centres throughout Australia, celebrated this special day with their enrolled children and their mothers and mother figures.

Autumn Menu – Raspberry, Coconut + Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding 

As we race through Autumn, we are excited to provide another recipe straight from our Centre Cooks to your table!

Healthy Eaters through Food Exploration

Food exploration in a positive environment shows a reduced risk of children becoming picky eaters.

Lifelong Learning Curriculum – Is Here!

Affinity Education Group is excited to announce the launch of the Lifelong Learning Curriculum, available at all Milestones, Papilio, Kids Academy and Aussie Kindies childcare centres across Australia.

What does the new Child Care Subsidy mean for families?

From 10 July 2023, the Australian Government will be increasing the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rates for families within Australia resulting in reduced gap fees for your family. Families will benefit in a range of exciting ways from the changes, creating more affordable and inclusive childcare options for our families.

Purpose Built for Quality Education – Papilio Early Learning Tamworth

We are proud to announce Papilio Early Learning Tamworth will be open for fun and learning in early 2023! Papilio Early Learning Tamworth, is our second purpose-built centre in New South Wales, following the development of Papilio Early Learning Schofields which opened in April 2022.

Aussie Kindies North Ipswich – Defiant in the face of Disaster

This month our centres are celebrating Egg’citing April by creating Easter based activities that are designed to provide meaningful learning opportunities and of course have fun!

Egg’citing fun at Papilio Early Learning Centres

This month our centres are celebrating Egg’citing April by creating Easter based activities that are designed to provide meaningful learning opportunities and of course have fun!

Tummy Time is an essential activity for a baby’s development

Tummy Time is an essential activity for a baby’s development and is a regularly encouraging exercise for our centres 0-1 children in our Nursery rooms.

Happy Grandparents Day

Sunday the 30th of October was Grandparents Day and marks the last day of Seniors month. Our centres have been celebrating to show our appreciation for all grandparents in our communities, and those, past and present, that play an active role in our children’s lives.

Autumn Menu – Butter Chicken

Our centres are focused on providing all the children in our care, with healthy and nutritious meals or snacks that have been designed to provide your child with a balanced diet whilst in our care. Working with our centre cooks, in line with, feedAustralia - an Australian Government initiative we provide a seasonal menu to suit even the fussiest eater.

Future Scientists! Big Thinkers STEM program now available

Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has always played a vital role in the development of our Lifelong Learning Curriculum for children aged 3 to 5 years old.

Harmony Day at Papilio Early Learning Bella Vista

Our centres celebrated Harmony Day by creating activities that are designed to provide meaningful learning opportunities, whilst having fun! Kids Academy Springfield, located at 6 Meadow Road, Springfield in New South Wales, will be opening its doors with the capacity to accommodate 57 children ages 0-5 years of age* within the newly refurbished centre.

Our Newest Village Of Little Learners – Kids Academy Springfield

We are excited to announce Kids Academy Springfield will be hosting its Grand Opening on the 6th of March to a new village of little learners and their families! Kids Academy Springfield, located at 6 Meadow Road, Springfield in New South Wales, will be opening its doors with the capacity to accommodate 57 children ages 0-5 years of age* within the newly refurbished centre.

Holi – Festival of Colours

Our centres celebrated Holi by creating festival of colours based activities that are designed to provide meaningful learning opportunities, whilst having fun!

IWD recognition for Shining Star Noopur Lakhera

Papilio Early Learning Wakerley is thrilled to have been recognised by Affinity Education Group for the work of their Early Childhood Teacher Noopur Lakhera in providing equitable opportunities for children in the Kindergarten classroom.

Kindamindi Transforms to Milestones Warana

After some 13 years as Kindamindi Warana, this much-loved Sunshine Coast-based childcare centre has just transformed into Milestones Early Learning & Kindergarten Warana.

The Importance of Loose Parts Play

As babies and toddlers start to explore, they’ll often use all of their senses (especially touch and taste) to gather and learn information about the many objects they find. This stage of development is completely normal and it signals their growing interest in the world around them.

Benefits of Gardening with Children

We’re all aware of the benefits of fresh air and the outdoors, but did you know involving children in simple gardening practices has a range of benefits too?

Aussie Kindies Support Variety’s ‘Hair with Heart’

Inspired by young Chloe Guiney in her mission to help children with disabilities who recently took the chop as part of Variety’s Hair with Heart initiative, Affinity Education Group centre Aussie Kindies Early Learning Kyabram has hosted a week of crazy hair days in December 2021.

The Importance Of Outdoor Play: Learning In Action

From nursery to five years old the importance of exploration in a child’s development is paramount to their emotional, physical, social, language and cognitive growth.

Celebrating Early Childhood Educators Day

Early Childhood Educators Day, is a very special day for our community. It’s an opportunity to celebrate and thank our teachers and educators for their dedication and commitment to ensuring high-quality early learning opportunities for all children.

Acknowledgement of Country

In the spirit of reconciliation, the Affinity Education community acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land sea and community.

We pay our respect to their elders past and present and the extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples today.